Welcome to WitchTails

The Elixir ecosystem has many small but important libraries. Some of these are written by a single person that saw a problem and found a solution. Unfortunately, sometimes the maintainer doesn't have time to keep the library up-to-date.

XKCD: Dependency by Randall Munroe (CC BY-NC 2.5)

Instead of having a 1-to-1 relationship between a library and a maintainer, we provide a N-to-M relationship. Where we in the Witch Tails group (N) help to maintain multiple small libraries (M). As a group, we can support one another by taking over tasks when someone is busy (life happens).

If you have written a library or know of a library that needs some extra love, please let us know.


Maintain libraries so they keep up-to-date with the Elixir ecosystem.


Develop new features.

WitchTails Libraries

These are the current libraries that are maintained by the WitchTails group.